GC Supply

Kitchen365 has worked closely with GC Supply to expand their kitchen and bath cabinet ecommerce business and bring them real results!

GC Supply

About GC Supply

Cabinet Dealer
Company Size
Company Size
Pompano Beach, FL


GC Supply faced issues with their business operations. Majority of their team was occupied with design work, so handling other aspects of the business, like sourcing more clients, became a bit of a challenge. Also, with no genuine system in place or appointed project manager, the turnaround times were unclear, ultimately hampering their sales.


GC Supply needed to establish a system for their internal team, so that business could be conducted smoothly. Kitchen365 understood their cabinet business needs and began to customize solutions to fill in the gaps, such as initiating a live design program to avoid poor communication and support live feedback. Also, preparing a training manual for the GC Supply team, with client specific standards to avoid one point failure, was pertinent.


Kitchen365 introduced a roster system to cater the services on festivals and on Saturday as well. Quality assured dedicated design services, Experienced designers for faster turnaround time & Live design with the end consumers to take away dependency of the US sales representatives.

Quick Overview

  • 4/5Avg Ratings
  • 24 hrsAvg Delivery Time

"Kitchen 365 improved our ability to multitask and increase sales"

A. SilvaSales Representative, GC Supply

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